Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thank You and We Are Having Another Fundraiser

We would like to send a huge thank you to everyone has helped,contributed and donated to help Moana get to her interview in L.A. We are making great progress but still need donations. We will be having another fundraiser on Twitter this Saturday the 7th from 3-6 PM EST(1-4 Utah time). We will be playing Jeopardy and will be giving away some amazing prizes(thank you to everyone who has and is donating prizes). The fundraiser on Monday was so much fun and we hope everyone will join us again,even if it's just for a few minutes. Moana will be tweeting also and talking to everyone. Moanas Twitter is @teammoana2012 and the hashtag to do a search on Twitter for us and the fundraiser is #Jeopawty.

Please keep sharing Moanas story and donate If you can. Every little bit helps her reach her dream.

.....Dreams Do Come True.....#TeamMoana.....